Canal Videos
Overview of the Canal System
This video provides an overview of the places, events, and activities one may partake of in enjoying a NYS Canal experience. From boating in many forms and formats to fishing, walking or biking, historical perspectives, shopping and dining. The NYS Canal system affords ample opportunities for exploration, excitement, and recreation in a vast and multi-faceted waterside environment.
Overview of the Canal System – Long Version (no audio)
This video also provides an overview of the places, events, and activities one may partake of in enjoying a NYS Canal experience, but is a longer, silent version of the one above, and is intended to run on a repeating loop in the background of conference session breaks, trade shows, and other special events.
Erie Canal celebrates its 189th birthday
OCTOBER 26, 2014 -- On October 26, 1825, America charted a new course to the West with the opening of the New York State waterway. View Video .
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Canal Videos